What has Jack been up to this summer????
Having a blast playing the drums...
Going to vacation bible school...

Hanging out with KK...

Playing in the pool...

And walking up a storm!!! He is actually walking just as much as crawling. He just went for his 18 month check up and all was good...growth, development, ears and thyriod levels all in check! His next check will be when he turns 2...so proud of little Jack! He did get approved for speech therapy, so we have added that to his weekly routine. And HSM has still not contacted us regarding the appeal. Jack is still getting weekly PT until they decide otherwise.
I am actually packing as I write this for the fam beach trip to Destin. I am really hoping for a relaxing, beautiful 7 days!!!
And to anyone interested...we are selling our lot in Clarkdale. It is 2.8 wooded acres in Southern Hills subdivision. It is a beautiful lot and we were really hoping to put our dream home there one day, but Jack needs to be in Northeast Lauderdale school district, so we have had to change our plans. I still remember how excited we were when we purchased the lot, but Jack is our priority now.
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