We had a great Easter, very busy, but enjoyable...Easter Egg Hunts and bday parties. And of course, Jack got several Easter baskets!
And yes, Jack is still amazing us and his therapists...learning new words, drinking from a straw (big one...oral muscle tone) and starting to take steps!!!! We have also discovered that he likes to sing...no surprise there, we really do sing to him A LOT. We also found out that he will be losing Early Intervention Services due to state funding and "cutbacks". This will really not affect Jack that much, but it will other kids. He will just lose his speech therapist Brooke and he will still continue PT/OT at Rush. We are really sad to loose Mrs. Brooke. Jack just loves her and so do I! So, it looks like in June we will have to find a speech therapist. And I have not heard a thing from HSM...did they accept my appeal or not??? It is going on weeks now? I'm really anxious to see what the hold up is.
And so sorry for the long break between posts...Facebook has been keeping me busy!
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