Our little one is now one year old!! I cannot believe how fast the past year has gone by. It has been a wild ride at times, but oh so worth it! A lot of you guys might not know, but me getting pregnant was not planned...we were actually shocked, but a good shock. I had just started a new job and we were planning on building a house...kids would come later. Obviously, God had other plans! I had a great pregnancy and I absolutely loved every minute of it. We found out we were having a boy and he was immediately named Jackson Daniel....I am one of those that has had her baby names picked out for ages. Jack was always a healthy baby on ultrasound...no heart or gut defect, nothing to worry about on my multiple 4D ultrasounds, and he was always very active. He came very quickly into this world...he looked just like Jeramy, but there was something a little different. We found out two days later that Jack had Trisomy 21, which is also called Down syndrome. I do not have to tell you how we felt...words will never describe how we felt those first couple of days. I really felt like my world was absolutely falling apart and there was no fixing it. I loved him so much already and it killed me knowing that not everyone would love him and accept him...things would not be easy for Jack and I could not bear to think about it.
Now, it is a year later and I never dreamed that I could be as happy as I am right now. I wish I could have known this a year ago. I prayed for God to bless me with a healthy child and that is just what he gave me. He might look a little different and need extra help along the way, but he is a blessing. Jack will do all the things other kids do, he just might need a little more time to accomplish little goals like walking, talking, & riding a bike. There is so much out there for kids like him. Due to all of the therapy and knowledge we now have about DS, it is possible for Jack to be mainstreamed with the "normal" kids in school, graduate from high school, drive a car and even go to college!!! When I look at Jack I see a beautiful little boy with sweet blue eyes, oh so kissable lips, his dad's feet, my nose, a contagious smile...I could go on and on. The point is that I want people to look past the DS and see what Jack is really all about!
What fun! Love all the pictures of Jack at the party. He is an absolute doll. His cake was so cute and looked yummy! I assume he is your little monkey like Claire is ours. Glad to share my bday with a sweet little boy like Jack!
Happy Happy bday big boy!
This is a beautiful post. He's a precious child, and I know God has something special for his life. You and Jeramy are wonderful parents. I can't wait to meet sweet Jack sometime!
Happy Birthday Jack!
Such a beautiful post! Jack is lucky to have such a wonderful mommy!
your post about jack turning one brought tears to my eyes! he is one very blessed little boy to have you as his mommy. GREAT birthday pics btw. my favorite is the black/white one with the colored had and cake! AWESOME!
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