Yep, Jacky is almost three and that means...SCHOOL! Well, maybe! He went for his eval with the Lauderdale Co School system two weeks ago and he performed like a ROCK STAR! He was tested in 5 areas, he passed Cognitive (woo hoo!) and Social and he was right on the line to refer for Adaptive/self help skills, motor, and communication. Self help and communication was not a surprise. We knew not being potty trained and his obvious speech delays would get us. BUT the whole not passing motor makes me FURIOUS, since our PT and OT has been cut back dramatically due to "very minimal delays". So of course, we had to address that at therapy last week hoping if we add this to his chart, HSM and Medicaid will reconsider cutting him back.
So, since he referred on 3 of 5 he qualifies for services within the school system BUT since we are not actually living in our house yet, he can't go when he turns 3...we have to wait until we are in the house...which should be January. I completely disagree with this and I have made numerous phone calls. I honestly don't see the harm in letting him go ahead and start now so he can start building relationships and get familiar with the new setting. It just makes sense! And the program that he is allowed to go to now in Clarke Co does not even compare to the Lauderdale Co program.
If they absolutely will not make an exception...Do I leave him in his day care? Do I put him in one of the bigger private daycare/preschools? Ideally I want him with typical kids in a school setting, but he's still to young for that. So I thought going with the school system would give him structure, smaller class room setting and certified teachers. I honestly do not know what in the heck to to do!!! So if anyone has any advice about the whole school issue, please give!!!!!